If you visiting Cape Town for the first time or you have not yet been to the District Six Museum, then it’s worth a trip. The museum takes you through history telling a story about once upon a time, in Southern Africa and the sad reality of a lost legacy.

District Six was the home for ethnic and a racially diverse community, freed slaves, immigrants, artisans, workers and traders. During the 60s, the government forcibly removed everybody.

Thirty odd years later, the District Six Museum pays tribute to the community’s memory displaying artifacts and archival photographs. The stories told by the exhibitions provide visitors with an in depth understanding of an important part of the country’s history.

Noor Ebrahim, runs the small museum shop and has been part of this community all his life. His knowledge and storytelling is fascinating, he will share memories of the weddings, funerals and street life of a place that was once quite different.

The museum also offers guided walking tours of the neighborhood, contact Louise Mohammed on +27 21 466 7200, or e-mail her at louise@districtsix.co.za

QueenB!……..Abuzzing off

District Six Museum
25 Buitenkant Street, Cape Town 8001
Tel: 021 4667200

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